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發表於 2016-12-22 10:46:50 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Finnish metallers GHOST MACHINERY have released a new single on which they pay tribute to two great Finnish traditional heavy metal bands that paved the way for modern-day melodic metal. Commented GHOST MACHINERY: "From the northern part of Finland comes ZERO NINE with 25 years of hard rocking and 10 albums under their belt. In southern Finland IRON CROSS was founded in 1976 and the band recorded 3 stunning albums that haven't had the publicity they should've had. "The super-catchy ZERO NINE song called 'Never Stop Running' can be found on their 'White Lines' album. On this one our special quest is an original member from ZERO NINE,Henrik Zetterberg Jersey, guitarist Timo Käsmä, who plays one hell of a solo on this tribute."The IRON CROSS masterpiece 'Fight For The Strangers' can be originally found on their 'Too Hot To Rock' album. We had an honour to have a visit from two guitar heroes from Taage's other band KILPI, Aleksi Summe and Pete Kilpi. These guys had a majestic sword fight in the studio and the result can be heard on this one."GHOST MACHINERY is currently working on material for its third album. According to the band, "The demos are done and it's going to be yet another killer album with elements that have been found appropriate for a mighty melodic metal album."GHOST MACHINERY's second album, "Out For Blood",Denis Savard Jersey, was released in August 2010 via Germany's Limb Music. The cover artwork was designed by Rainer Kalwitz,Carl Hagelin Jersey, who has previously worked with such artists as METAL CHURCH, SHADOW GALLERY,Vladimir Konstantinov Jersey, PRAYING MANTIS and DARE.GHOST MACHINERY in 2009 recruited Taage Laiho (KILPI, ALTARIA) as the band's new vocalist.Laiho sang on two ALTARIA albums — "Divinity" and "The Fallen Empire" — and he also took part in an extensive European tour with the band in 2006.Formed in 2002 by Pete Ahonen (BURNING POINT),James Van Riemsdyk Jersey, GHOST MACHINERY released its debut album,Trevor Daley Jersey, "Haunting Remains", in December 2004. Since then,Eric Fehr Jersey, the band has been very active behind the scenes and the guys in the group have been in and out from the studio recording the second GHOST MACHNERY CD, "Out for Blood". Taage was able to put his "mark" on the record with his great singing as well  as his lyrics.GHOST MACHINERY is:Taage Laiho (KILPI, ALTARIA) - VocalsPete Ahonen (BURNING POINT, STARGAZERY) - GuitarMikko Myllylä (KING'S RUIN) - GuitarSami Nyman - BassJussi Ontero (BURNING POINT,Mike Modano Jersey, KING'S RUIN) - Drums, Keyboards

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