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發表於 2016-12-22 12:56:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“When you are too grandpa at the bottom, want to have laid waste retaining control of the city, when silver shark clan, water scorpion clan, snake Terran all agree, only black Jiao race’s anger l & # 224; ng not answer. Anger l & # 224; ng don’t promise, silver fai, lisa comment are useless, you too grandpa in order to let anger l & # 224; nod, once the ng at Jiao, it is said that black families and anger l & # 224; ng make very unhappy, don’t know why, ultimately anger l & # 224; ng promised, but for our family has not been very friendly, I think you are too grandpa’s means, perhaps not the proper place.”
Look YiZheng albitite.
“Anger l & # 224; ng said at the time, give us time to prove Yang’s family, if we waste, really in charge of Yang’s family in the city family, he will be favorable recognition in the city of Yang’s family we waste position. You are too grandpa means though sharp, but after some that the city of waste in order, we do the Yang family over the city after, is laid waste a lot of the practice of the city transport materials for all the families benefit. Then anger l & # 224; ng is a reluctant promise, to admit that the Yang family we waste’s supremacy in the city.”
“Now the & # 224; anger l don’t seem too happy with? Ng”
“Well, you’re too grandpa locked in demon, we lost the right  to LuoHaiYu control. From then on, we can’t continue to Yang’s family waste on the practice of the city provide enough materials, this let anger l & # 224; ng are unhappy, and perhaps also because of this, just want to let we lose to the Yang family control of the waste cities.”
YangZhuo calm face, thought once and say: “if it weren’t for anger l & # 224; ng said this attitude to the, I think the wind, the sea, deferred FuHao these guys and also dare not to play our family idea. Anger l & # 224; ng although didn’t personally come forward,NFL Jerseys China, but he as long as a state, the table is enough to let the sea, extravagant.”
“It is no wonder that……”
Shizi also easy to understand, anger l & # 224; Ng recognition that the dominance of Yang’s family, from pure interests.
Now anger l & # 224; Ng saw the family came to power in the city people waste houhai family received more convenient, it is heart does not recognize, in those huge interest in front, as a group of families, he also know how to decide.
The situation happened so the changes, Yang’s family to show the signs of decline, and in 35 years of time, not to waste a lot of the science city continue to transport goods, nu l & # 224; Ng natural heart displayed will make that decision, but also is taken for granted.
Put yourself in others’ shoes. If he stood in anger l & # 224; Ng Angle, originally and YangQing emperor not irritating to eyes, found that Yang’s family couldn’t continue to benefit for him, also make such a decision.
“It looks like, but also trying to fix that anger l & # 224; ng, anger l & # 224; the first strong family as ng, he did not put the word out, some people even will also take wait-and-see attitude to.”
Heavy y & # 237; A n, et deeply wrinkle up eyebrows, also some worry, “as long as we Yang’s family show and before the power to continue the practice of the family of the sea, I want to provide material support even anger l & # 224; ng resentful, also won’t say anything more. Just……”
The endless now special, the man, who supported overrun, had seized LuoHaiYu, the walls LuoHaiYu, above the surface of the sea war endlessly,Wholesale Jerseys China, want to be in this situation maintained! Kind of trade, obviously difficult to many.
Most of all, the Yang family didn’t retaining control of the LuoHaiYu, and not on the sea in bold, at this time to collect enough on the sea on the practice of the materials, than before too many difficulties.
Want to be able to be solved the problem, want the anger l & # 224; Ng not agree to, but want to solve this problem, so far, it is not easy.
“That’s because the situation is so complex that can’t as usual for waste in urgent need of the city transport family of uniting the materials, just let the heart race against n & born # 242; ng out the” big action to ?, YangZhuo gave a quiet, helpless said: sigh… I know what went wrong, can know again how? You’re so grandpa was still in demon, the short time should not return to endless sea,Cheap Authentic Stitched Jerseys, in the above, all the parties to us the forces of Yang’s family
Shizi light shout a voice, in the stands at a line under snake Terran practitioners, Ya ran a way: “they are not leave?”
Yang, sunset, also show note god s & # 232; Have to see below.
See that Freya snake man and, at this point in the crowd dispersed after, not only not drift away from this, but to do here.
Rain hat wearing the snake Terran chiefs lisa, the black s & # 232; Loose-fitting robes, bearing the ordinary, wriggling long of a serpent, came to the front of the building YangGuZhu leisurely, else see the direction of XiangYang zhuo, suddenly soft track: “I wonder if you could come up to Syria?”
YangZhuo surprised momentarily, half ring, to a point and, with a way: “lisa predecessors to come over, is we will honor, please welcome the Yang family!”
Under a guard, hear his command, flurried open stone m & # 233; N, devoting to negative hand stood.
Lisa laughed softly, blunt Freya said: “and I go along.”
Freya show flattered expression, repeatedly nod, beautiful eyes surprise.
Two snakes people NVX & # 236; Ng, from lower part of the ladder, step on foot, a little while, and came to YangZhuo etc in the direction.
Lisa after coming over, with hand will head off the rain hat, a head of a mbt outlet waterfall flapping at the waist QingSi, quickly revealed, soft smooth, flashing m & # 237; The luster of the people.
A namby-pamby x & # 236; Ng feeling face, scarlet s & # 232; Lips, Ming y & # 224; N moving beautiful eyes, y & # 249; A white stone the skin s temporary and # 232; .
Lisa which is the most famous beauty of the family of the sea nv, x & # 236; Ng are well-developed, send out naturally took the ravishing flavor, such as ripe peach, let people very anxious to ruthlessly bite on one, y & # 224; N beauty to the extreme.
She put away a rain hat, the whole stand seems to have a light suddenly, including YangZhuo, all YangGuNan x & # 236; Ng, all is the facial expression be one earthquake, eyes couldn’t help admiring eyes out.
Heart is dark albitite praise, for this nv striking y & # 224; N beautiful charm amazing.

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