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發表於 2016-12-22 16:31:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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In "Swinging American Style: Texas F*ck 'Em",Authentic LeBron James Cavaliers Jersey, rock 'n roll drummer Phil Varone invites viewers to have a raw inside look at the actual life style of real swingers who are regular,Marvin Williams Hornets Swingman Jersey, everyday people who happen to love couple swapping.The voyeuristic movie is the first in a "swinging" series from adult entertainment leader Vivid. It's available online at Vivid.com today and will be available in stores across the country on May 1.The swingers were assembled by Varone, the notorious rock drummer formerly of SAIGON KICK and SKID ROW. Varone claims he's had sex with over 3,000 women.As sexual ringmaster, Varone varies the theme of the popular card game Texas Hold 'Em as he gives viewers an all-access peek at the lives of real swingers exercising their sexual freedoms right now in America. Varone's voyeuristic directing style allows the viewer to feel as if they were standing in the same room watching and being part of all the action. Knowing that most people have little experience in front of a camera other then personal home video, Varone says "less is more when trying to capture the true lives of real people." A taboo activity for many,Kemba Walker Hornets Swingman Jersey, to others swinging is a rewarding way of life. "Swinging American Style" goes behind locked doors to show viewers what happens when like-minded couples and singles come together to explore their sexual desires and fantasies. The movie reveals how they find each other and what really happens when they get together, with no secrets left unexplored, says Varone."Swinging is alive and thriving in America. Anyone who has been thinking about joining in shouldn't hesitate as there are increasingly more of us who want to share our sensuous sides with you, and this movie gives you a pretty good idea of the fun that we are all enjoying,Steven Adams Thunder Swingman Jersey," he says. Varone selected swingers Maia, Kristal, Sherri,Harrison Barnes Mavericks Swingman Jersey, Jessica,LeBron James Cavaliers Jersey, Jerome, Ryan and Kevin to join him in the movie.Over the years Varone has been branded as a sex addict and has appeared on VH1's "Sex Rehab With Dr. Drew" show. "They've got an addiction claim for everything you can do, but I never considered myself a sex addict because sex never screwed up the rest of my life or my ability to function at a high level," Varone says. Varone has appeared on many TV shows, including "Miami Ink",Marvin Williams Hornets Jersey, "Californication",LeBron James Cavaliers Swingman Jersey, "NUMB3RS", "Oprah", "The Tyra Banks Show", "The Today Show" and many others.In 2010, Phil responded to ex-SKID ROW singer Sebastian Bach's claim that Varone's decision to pose nude for the cover of the December 2010 issue of Playgirl magazine is "further proof that the name 'SKID ROW' has completely lost all credibility, cool, accuracy and is now devoid of all meaning in every way." Varone told the New York Post, "I'm grateful and proud of my time in SKID ROW and sorry [Sebastian] feels that way." Playgirl representative Daniel Nardicio defended Varone: "This coming from a man [Bach] who preceded David Hasselhoff in 'Jekyll & Hyde' on Broadway? Now that's the epitome of uncool."Varone joined SKID ROW in 2000 — about four years after Bach parted ways with the group.

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