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Bishop of the 92.7 WQLZ radio station conducted an interview with SEVENDUST this past Saturday,Kevin Love Cavaliers Swingman Jersey, May 18 at Boondocks in Springfield, Illinois. You can now watch the chat below.SEVENDUST's ninth studio album, "Black Out The Sun", sold 27,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to land at position No. 18 on The Billboard 200 chart. The CD, which arrived in stores on March 26 via the band's 7Bros. Records in conjunction with ADA Label Services,Tobias Harris Pistons Swingman Jersey, was recorded at Architekt Music studios in Butler, New Jersey with engineer Mike Ferretti.In a recent interview with Revolver magazine,Authentic Andre Drummond Pistons Jersey, SEVENDUST guitarist John Connolly stated about "Black Out The Sun": "It has a totally different vibe about it. It's darker,Tristan Thompson Cavaliers Swingman Jersey, but with a little bit of hope. There's always that light at the end of the tunnel. When I listen to it, it's almost like a greatest-hits record of songs you've never heard before. There's an album that every one of those songs could potentially live on. There's some stuff that sounds like it might belong on 'Home', some that sounds like 'Seasons'. Then there are some 'Alpha' moments as well."Added SEVENDUST guitarist Clint Lowery: "We didn't over-think the record. It has a spontaneous feel. It has the spirit of our older records, but it's evolved as well. If you're already a fan,Jeremy Lin Nets Jersey, it caters to the elements you've always liked. We're proud of this album."Asked about the songwriting approach for the CD, Lowery said: "It usually comes from an idea or a riff that John or I start. It's us coming up with beats and constructing the skeletal idea of the song from there. Then we'd get the band together to play it with everyone. By that point we'd start arranging it, and vocals are the last thing."Added Connolly: "There was definitely no shortage of ideas. For this record,Authentic Avery Bradley Celtics Jersey, we had a writing area behind the live drums in the studio. Whenever someone was in the studio working on parts,Paul George USA Jersey, any number of us would gather in this writing station and map things out right there on the spot. This was one of those albums where on Monday 'Decay' didn't exist and by the end of Tuesday night,Authentic LeBron James Cavaliers Jersey, it was there."

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