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[IQ題] Mike Gartner Jersey 53oj5qno









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發表於 2016-12-22 22:08:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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British/American hard rock legends UFO will return to North America this fall for a West Coast tour. The dates are as follows:Nov. 15 - Chicago, IL - House of Blues Nov. 16 - Milwaukee, WI - Shank Hall Nov. 17 - St. Charles,Erik Gustafsson Jersey, IL - Arcada Theater Nov. 18 - St. Charles, IL - Arcada Theater Nov. 20 - Orangevale,David Backes Jersey, CA - Boardwalk Nov. 21 - San Francisco,Shayne Corson Jersey, CA - The Independent Nov. 23 - Santa Cruz, CA - The Catalyst Nov. 24 - Agoura Hills, CA - Canyon Club Nov. 25 - San Diego, CA - Brick by Brick Nov. 28 - San Juan Capistrano,Jason Pominville Jersey, CA - The Coach House Nov. 29 - West Hollywood, CA - Key Club Nov. 30 - Las Vegas, NV - Boulder Station Casino Dec. 01 - Corona, CA - Marquee 15 UFO released its new album, "Seven Deadly", on February 28 (one day earlier internationally) via SPV/Steamhammer.  The effort, which was recorded with producer Tommy Newton at his Area 51 studio in Celle, Germany, was made available as a limited-edition digipack (including two bonus tracks), a double gatefold LP with printed innersleeves and colored vinyl, standard-edition CD and as a digital download."Seven Deadly" track listing:01. Fight Night02. Wonderland03. Mojo Town04. Angel Station05. Year Of The Gun06. The Last Stone Rider07. Steal Yourself08. Burn Your House Down09. The Fear10. Waving Good Bye11. Other Men's Wives (bonus track)12. Bag O' Blues (bonus track)According to a press release,Nino Niederreiter Jersey, "Seven Deadly" is "an atmospherically dense fabric consisting of classy guitars, tight rock grooves and vocals which are unique to UFO. The classic rock of 'Burn Your House Down' features all the important UFO strengths,Paul Stastny Jersey, 'Going Down To Mojotown' sees the musicians sound tougher than ever, and last but not least, 'Wonderland' features a pointed reference to UFO's early days. 'Angel Station' sees the band prove how classic rock music is complemented perfectly with epic elements, while 'Fight Night' is an excellent track to be performed in a live context." The current UFO lineup continues to consist of the three original members, Phil Mogg (vocals), Paul Raymond (guitar,Jaromir Jagr Jersey, keyboards),Nathan MacKinnon Team North America Jersey, and Andy Parker (drums), as well as American world-class guitarist Vinnie Moore.

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