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[IQ題] Wholesale NFL Jerseys and then it'll go into some killer technical









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An audio sample of the song "Eye Of The Infinite" from AMON  the resurrected Florida-based death metal band featuring former DEICIDE members Eric Hoffmann (guitar) and Brian Hoffman (guitar) alongside Jesse "Jecheal" Jolly (PROMETHEAN HORDE,Wholesale Denver Broncos Jerseys, DIABOLIC, SUCCESS WILL WRITE APOCALYPSE ACROSS THE SKY, AFTER DEATH) on vocals/bass and Mike Petrak (LEPROSY,Cincinnati Reds Jerseys China, SUCCESS WILL WRITE APOCALYPSE ACROSS THE SKY) on drums  can be streamed using the audio player below.   AMON's new music video for the song "Among Us" was filmed on October 22 in Clearwater, Florida with director Chris Nemzek (former CROSSBREED guitarist) and can be seen on the band's newly launched official web site at Amon.mobi. AMON's new album, "Liar In Wait",  will be made available in late November at the group's web site as well as via iTunes and Amazon.com. The CD was recorded and mixed at RedRoom Recorders in Tampa with producer Mark Prator. In a an interview with U.K.'s Terrorizer magazine, Eric stated about the decision to bring AMON back from the dead, "We were actually going to use the [DEICIDE] name [for the new band],NBA Jerseys China, but [DEICIDE members Glen Benton and Steve Asheim] got on the bandwagon faster than us. "They basically took the name, and Glen writes all the lyrics, so the kids are familiar with that, but in the beginning we hired Glen, and we wrote most of the music. So we had to go out and find a singer,Wholesale Authentic China Jerseys, which was pretty difficult at the time."When asked about the musical direction of AMON,Los Angeles Kings Jerseys China, Eric said,NHL Jerseys China, "[The music's] a little bit more technical than the DEICIDE stuff. It's not too intricate,Wholesale Los Angeles Kings Jerseys, so it's still catchy at the same time. You'll still have a couple of classic DEICIDE beginnings,Seattle Seahawks Jerseys China, and then it'll go into some killer technical,Wholesale MLB Jerseys, in-your-face shit."AMON recorded two demos  1987's "Feasting The Beast" and 1989's "Sacrifical"  before signing with Roadrunner Records and changing its name to DEICIDE. After producing two extremely successful albums as DEICIDE, the band chose to make the AMON demos available on CD in 1993 under the title "Amon: Feasting The Beast".The Hoffman brothers parted ways with DEICIDE in 2004 after becoming embroiled in a bitter dispute with DEICIDE bassist/vocalist Glen Benton over royalties and publishing issues.

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