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[IQ題] Wholesale NFL Jerseys bonus track









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Audio samples of all songs that are set to appear on "Eternal Defiance", the new album from German melodic folk/death metallers SUIDAKRA,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, can be streamed in the YouTube clip below. Due on May 24 via AFM Records,Cheap Jerseys China, the CD's cover artwork was created by [famous Belgian graphic artist] Kris Verwimp and can be seen below."Eternal Defiance" track listing:01. Storming The Walls02. Inner Sanctum03. Beneath The Red Eagle04. March Of Conquest05. Pair Dadeni06. The Mindsong07. Rage For Revenge08. Dragon’s Head09. Defiant Dreams10. Damnatio Memoriae 11. Mrs Mcgrath (bonus track)Commented SUIDAKRA singer Arkadius Antonik: "As on the previous two releases,Cheap Jerseys, it will be a concept album again, created by Kris Verwimp in cooperation with us. Our new concept includes a lot of new elements and suprises which will be reflected in the music as well."In a 2012 interview with Metal Kaoz, Antonik stated about SUIDAKRA's new material: "The songs … are bombastic and we also finished the first song with Tina's [Stabel] female vocals. This time, it's gonna be a faster song with a real epic and catchy chorus." Bassist Marcus Riewaldt last year announced his departure from SUIDAKRA. He said in a statement,Wholesale Jerseys, "After more than 250 shows and 10 years being in the band,Cheap Chicago Cubs Jerseys, I feel that now time has come to change my priorities a bit and see what else life has to offer for me. No hard feelings involved; it's just that I cannot motivate myself for another writing-rehearsing-recording-promoting-touring cycle and that I'm really annoyed by some of the music business mechanisms that one has to deal with in order to continue this beautiful and exciting,Cheap Boston Red Sox Jerseys, but at the same time very time- and energy-consuming hobby. I wish SUIDAKRA much luck and success for the future — it would all be well deserved!"SUIDAKRA has already secured a replacement bassist in Tim Siebrecht,Cheap San Jose Sharks Jerseys, who was a stand-in guitar player for SUIDAKRA on several occasions in recent years.SUIDAKRA's tenth album, "Book Of Dowth",Cheap MLB Jerseys, was released on March 25,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, 2011 via AFM Records.

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