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發表於 2017-12-30 21:35:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Goodell said he thought progress had been made in St,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys China. Louis.
—Expressed confidence that Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston, the presumptive top pick in the draft next Thursday, "understands what it means to be a player in our league. I had the opportunity to meet with Jameis and had a good session with him. We talked about what it means to be an NFL player, what we expect, the services and resources available."
—Indicated there will be more regular-season games played at international venues.
Indeed, the window for applying to move to LA, currently early January, could be moved up, he said. The owners would need to vote on any franchise transfer at next March's annual meeting.
—The league is not investing in fantasy football when it allows teams to partner with outlets such as FanDuel, which 16 teams have done. Team owners have discussed fantasy football "internally."
Two days after handing down a 10-game suspension to Dallas defensive end Greg Hardy, Goodell and recently hired special counsel Lisa Friel explained why the league does not have a zero tolerance policy concerning domestic violence and sexual assault.
Goodell addressed several other topics:
He also noted that a move to Los Angeles "is not a new issue in any of these communities."
But Kroenke has made it clear he is intent on building a $1.8 billion venue in Inglewood.
Goodell also acknowledged there is some urgency in the matter. The league has not had a franchise in Los Angeles since the 1994 season.
Members of a St. Louis stadium task force hoping to keep the Rams there met with league officials on Wednesday. The St.  Louis group showed the NFL officials revised renderings and video of plans for a stadium along the Mississippi River that would cost around $1 billion,Wholesale Jerseys 2018.
St. Louis Rams owner Stan Kroenke is involved in the Inglewood project, while the San Diego Chargers and Oakland Raiders have combined to work on the Carson proposal.
New designs for the proposed $1.7 billion Carson stadium that could be shared by the Chargers and Raiders were released this week, days after the city council approved the project

"We had presentations earlier this week that are very exciting," Goodell said. "Not just for a return but to continue being successful going forward."
—Praised Chicago for "overdelivering" on next week's draft,NFL Jerseys From China, saying "we reinvented the event." He also suggested the league "might reinvent it again," possibly in other cities.
NEW YORK (AP) — Roger Goodell says the two stadium projects in the Los Angeles area look promising enough to lead to the return of the NFL to the nation's second-largest city.
The NFL commissioner told the Associated Press Sports Editors group Friday that he thinks the projects in Inglewood and Carson are "viable," and have a "great deal of potential to be successful."
"We're making sure we understand that fans are doing this, but we don't want to move across the line to something we think is gambling,Cheap NFL Jerseys," he said. "Other leagues potentially are investing in these. We are not."
"I would not recommend it, with the experience I have," said Friel,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, who was the head of the Sex Crimes Prosecution Unit in the New York County District Attorney's Office for more than a decade. "My experience is that it would further drive reporting (incidents) down. I think the policy of somebody we find committed such a violation,Cheap Jerseys From China, we dispense discipline appropriately and give him a second chance. If there is a second violation, he is barred from the league."
NFL general counsel Jeff Pash said a league probe of the Dolphins' hiring of Mike Tannenbaum for their front office did not violate the Rooney Rule requiring minority candidates be interviewed for jobs.

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